Friday, February 25, 2011

Little bit of snow makes the camera come out

After freezing weather and an inch or more of snow, I felt it was time to break out the camera and create a few photos of the horses. They were not very cooperative but I did get a few shots that were editable.

The Star of today was Fiona, she would not walk away from me and wanted to see what in my hands was making the clicking noise.  She was quite a ham of a horse.

 Megan did not want to be in the stall or out in the snow, she also did not want anything to do with me today.  Time to start working her with the halter again! Spring is coming up fast and she will be finding a new home in no time.

Fiona was being goofy so I put the camera almost on the ground and started shooting, she would not leave it alone so I kept shooting.   I think I got a couple good photos. What do you think?

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Our new horse, Beauty

Here she is, New photos of our new addition "Beauty" that we have recently acquired.