Thursday, September 18, 2014

Paris made her first appearance to the world

Almost 3 years and 850 pounds ago Our little baby "Paris" hit the ground about 5am on 4-25-2012 (4 or 5 hours before this video)
This was our first interaction.

Names have changed but the game remains the same!

It is interesting how over time we go through so many things that change our lives but ultimately make our lives come full circle.

Horses have a tenancy to make that happen.

It has been some time since posting here because our lives have been literally turned upside down.

Megan and Fiona have been sent down the road to what I hope to be better and more skilled owners. They were both basically "Rescue" horses and needed to get out of where they were.

I took them both as far as I could with my knowledge and knew they could get so much more from someone way more advanced.

Since then, I have learned a lot and have gained confidence like never before.

Beauty was literally stolen out from under our nose (by the person that "Sold" her to us)
there is a story for another post.  Something to learn from Beauty!

Since Beauty, we bought "Taffy" (Name does not fit her) and changed her name to Momma. She has been a brood  mare most of her life and is an amazing loving mare. We are her final home and ask almost nothing from her except be comfortable.

Since getting her, we were amazed and surprised by a little unexpected package named Paris.
Walked outside one spring day almost 3 years ago and found this little ball of brown in my corral.
She is a firecracker with a huge personality and curiosity that will not quit.
Paris is my baby at almost 900 pounds.

Photos will be posted soon.
Subscribe to the blog, keep an eye out for future posts and updates at least on a monthly basis in the coming year.

Thank you for stopping in, let me know you were here and I will keep the blog alive.